Our School > Mission

North Richland Hills Montessori’s mission is to protect, nurture, and guide children using the Montessori philosophy and method so that children discover their potential and utilize their unique gifts to serve the world community.
As an extension of the family, NRH Montessori hopes to provide a prepared environment, much like that of a home:
A home – that children feel secure with clear boundaries and limits yet encouraged to explore based on their developmental levels and capacities;
A home – where children develop habits, attitudes, personal qualities and academic excellence that serves a world vision enhancing their own personal happiness by serving others;
A home – that fosters a culture that embraces the search for truth wherever it is;
A home – where children, through effort that embraces hard work, come to appreciate their own gifts as well as honoring the diversity of others.
Character Development
We can assist the child’s intellectual development to such a point that it could actually be a hazard to them and others if it does not progress simultaneously with character. The language of virtues such as courtesy, patience, kindness, courage, compassion is inherent in the Montessori philosophy but in addition emphasis will be made to systematize the teaching of these character qualities by means of a developed program that assists with defining each quality, providing examples of each, encouraging the use of each, providing activities illustrating each and best of all modeling each virtue through our own behaviors with our students, parents and each other.
Natural Playground
The Natural Playground of NRH is designed to give children additional opportunities to explore, to build skills while having fun on the different challenge activities provided. Here the children can explore the real leaf, the bugs using the leaf for shade and its food source, the shape of the leaf, the needs of plants to survive, the flowers that each plant brings forth etc.. along with learning the scientific name for each specimen.
We continually hear from media and test results that our children are woefully behind in acquisition of knowledge in the areas of math and science. The Montessori math area excels an existing approach used in any schools today.
In addition, North Richland Hills Montessori’s science curriculum is being implemented that is an active and open-ended search for the integration of scientific principles.
Physical Education
With so much concern at this time about the health of our nation, specifically the health of our children, a physical education program is being designed to excite children about their health. The program has a wide range of activities with purposeful and measurable outcomes and provides a lot of fun and joy regarding movement and body coordination.​
Outdoor Classroom
Each classroom has a door to the back yard. This is the entry to a whole other experience as nothing teaches like that of wind, sun, water, trees, grass, mud, fragrances, sounds—all fixtures in the outdoor classroom provided under trees with a place to sit, to ponder, to work out life’s challenges and mysteries.
The building itself was designed to have environmental-friendly features.